This is my first year working with Fulton County also my first year working at Oakley Elementary, home of the Tigers!
We just got this room on last Tuesday so we haven't had a chance to make it our own. So it's a work in progress. These are the cubbies. We usually keep their blankets and change of clothes in here. The classroom helper board . That was up from last year. It needs to be updated.
This is most of the classroom. We have about 4 tables that sits about 24kids. There is plenty of storage space for everything. I love this set up cause it helps me work with kids individual away from noise . Up top is the "Owl Curriculum" we work with.
This is our storage closet. Everything you will ever need as a teacher is in this closet lol! This is a state funded pre-k program so of course you have a lot of resources available to you.
This is another angle. We have a tv for the morning announcements. Some 5th graders act as if they have their own news show and deliver the news to us. It's really cute. We also have two computers available for the students in the back !