Since I teach Pre-K I think my main goal is to be prepared! I come in early and cut out, organize and sort things, just so I can have my day run smoothly. I also will stay late or take things home if need be. When ever we are doing a project I like to have everything cut out, sorted and in their own bags with everything they need for that project. Now if it's something were they are cutting out, I will let them cut it out on their own. It bothers me if I'm not prepared, and that doesn't just go for school it also goes for when I'm going on a trip or just taking my kids to their activies on Saturday.
I can remember when I first started working with kids at 15 years old in my church's daycare I was so tired and exhausted everyday I came home and finding myself not wanting to go back the next day. It took me at least 10 years to learn that being prepared was the key AND ALSO HAVING THE PROPER RESOUCSES available to you. ( but i quickly found out that if I wanted something I would have to come out of my pocket and get what I needed) I have learned through the years with working with kids in all different age groups, is to be prepared at all times. I also think being prepared will cut down on stressing yourself out and also will prevent burn out.